Notification a message displayed to the user outside of the app s normal ui i e the browser.
Server side push notifications asp net.
Then we publish a notification of this type which is delivered to all subscribed users.
Push notification a notification created in response to a push message.
Asp net core backend appsettings json contains vapid keys and the database connection string.
Asp net boilerplate provides a pub sub publish subscribe based real time notification system.
Like a process which can send some text message to client.
Notifications api an interface used to configure and display notifications to the user.
What is the best way to integrate some server event.
This post focuses on push api and general flow there will be follow up posts which will take a deep dive into sending push message from net based backend.
Push message a message sent from the server to the client.
The mechanism for sending a push notification is entirely independent of blazor webassembly since it s implemented by the backend server which can use any technology.
Push api an interface used to.
The term push is kind of information that is supplied by the server and notification is the action that is performed by the web through a script that is the information available to the user.
The user subscribes to a specific notification type.
I ve made some search and found something about a asp net web api but i don t know what it is and if i can use it with mvc.
The following files contain code that s related to generating vapid keys registering a push subscription and sending push notifications.
For example push notifications can be sent when a different user performs a relevant action.
There are two ways of sending notifications to users.
Notifications are used to inform users on specific events in the system.